NOTICE: This is a different study than the speed study being conducted by South Central Public Power District and NPPD. Both studies are important to determining a need for grant money that is available for our area.
The Nebraska Regional Officials Council (NROC) announces the launch of a statewide broadband mapping initiative. Residents in the state of Nebraska are encouraged to partake in the one-minute speed test from any internet-enabled device.
The aim of this initiative is to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural areas, and broadband is the key that links our communities together. As unserved and underserved areas are labeled throughout this project, stakeholders and economic developers can plan for the potential expansion of broadband infrastructure that will support businesses both now and in the future.
To participate in the one-minute test, go to:
Please complete the One-minute Speed Test, take a screen shot of the test, then fill out the attached affidavit. Send the affidavit, with screen shot, to South Central PPD, PO Box 406, Nelson, NE 68961.